Thursday, September 24, 2009

A return to the FUN!

These were originally posted over on my E.G.G. website. Superheroes ... Peanuts Style!







Friday, September 18, 2009

New Take On Old Designs ...

I'm a tattoo fan, (obviously) so I've had an itch lately to reinvent some classic tattoo art. Below you will see what I've done today. I hope you all enjoy the work as much as I.





You can look forward to similar things in the future!


Friday, September 11, 2009

Pulp Noir

So, I get bored drawing in one particular style ... I love to draw High-Contrast Black and White images in a Noir style ... This one was quite the challenge for me. I like how it turned out, though. Hopefully, someone will want to purchase this piece at the Mid-Ohio Con. We'll see ...


Can anyone guess what old pulp tale this is based off? That's right, it's a piece with Art by Jack Kirby! Brilliant man that he was. My own variation, but still based on it for the most part.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I am very pleased to announce that "The Trouble With Dames" is in the can (so to speak!). I sent that bad boy off to Ka-Blam! for printing yesterday! I should (fingers crossed, everything goes right) have it back in time for MID-OHIO CON!

Which brings me to my next announcement: I WILL MOST CERTAINLY BE MAKING AN APPEARANCE (sans Joshua D. Boeringa) AT MID-OHIO CON! This is great and exciting news. I'm going to be making the trek with Friends and fellow artists Jon Gordon, Dean Stahl, (I believe) Ryan Claytor, and possibly Jay Jacot (not yet 100% confirmed). This is going to be an amazing opportunity and super fun trip! You guys don't want to miss this event!

So if you are able to make it down to the con do so! If you can't and want to order a copy of "The Trouble With Dames" E-mail Me (Robert Forest) via and we can make it all happen for you!

Take Care my friends!

-Robert Forest

Lady Lindsay's Amigurumi

So, Lindsay Gordon, wife of Jonathan Gordon, seems to be making her mark on the art world as of late. She has an Etsy account where you can see all of her "Creations"... the most significant for me is her Amigurumi take on Pop Culture Characters! She's done a lot of Super Heroes (still waiting to see a Hellboy! that would be sweet!) but she's also done Hannah Montana, Tonks (from Harry Potter fame) and is currently hard at work on a set of eleven Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season Three Characters that I've personally ordered for my wife's birthday... (shhhh... it's a secret...). Upon viewing her goods @ Lady Lindsay's Creations on Etsy, I couldn't help but fall in love and asked her to make me a Thor (based on the Jack Kirby vision). She did it to the (capital)T!(exclamation point) I've put a picture at the bottom to show the fine details in her work. It's really amazing the painstaking effort she puts into these things. All hand made with love! I've already gotten a look at Buffy and Mr. Pointy, and am very pleased by her work! Can't wait to see what she has up her crafty little sleeve next!


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ret.Ro.Bot. #05

So, I started doing these fun, stark contrast Robot images a while ago and posted them HERE! at the E.G.G. Blogger. That was before I made this blog. So, Fun stuff like this go here now. I hope you enjoy Ret.Ro.Bot #5.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

5 new Sketch Cards...

O.K., Sorry, I haven't updated this site in over a week. I got your hopes all up and then I let you down. However, I was working on the E.G.G. comic "The Trouble With Dames..." and was very busy. But I got to sit down with Jon Gordon again today and my drawing has been revitalized once more. So, without further ado, I give you:

Batman: Ka-Booom, Aquaman, Green Lantern, Deadman, and a Human Torch that I did last week, but never posted. I hope you all enjoy!






later kiddos